In the construction sector the name GEDA has represented competence and unparalleled quality “Made in Germany” for over eighty years. Today it's virtually impossible to find a construction site not using one of the lifts from the comprehensive product range offered by the Bavarian height access specialists. But this is not surprising at all since GEDA offers a range of lifts and construction hoists that are suitable for almost every use and building site situation. From the company's early days with the GEDA Lift, the famous inclined hoist with sales now numbering over 70,000 units, a product range has been developed over the last few decades which is unparalleled across the world – from compact wire rope lifts for workmen, such as the well-known roofer lift, through transport platforms to personnel and material hoists with load capacities up to 3.7 tonnes and lifting heights up to 400 metres.
Always with its eyes on the market GEDA offers lift solutions which are perfectly adapted to any application and meet almost every building site challenge which requires safe and fast upwards transportation. Daily work routines on tough construction sites often present their own challenges to the technology deployed on-site. Thanks to their robust workmanship every GEDA construction hoist also meets this challenge with links.